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IOC... Easy as 123?

Preparation for the Practice IOC:

Self Scoring:

A: 8/10 The awareness of the text was supported by the initial summary of the story, as well as by further explanation of terms and characters in the text. Could have further explained foreshadowing in terms of the novel, in order to show that the suggested foreshadowing would prove to be accurate later in the text. The commentary does make good reference to the passage given, and the introduction of quotations and the links made between them is accurate to the text. Reference to the Aunts and their purpose is also effective, if somewhat brief in its use.

B: 7/10 Not all literary terms are explicitly stated, but rather are implied through the suggestion of "speculative diction" and tone. While specific words are stated and described, they could be further stated in terms of specific literary devices incorporated into the text. The literary devices that were analyzed, such as diction and tone set by the author, are explored to a good extent, but their explicit effect on the reader should be referenced in a more straightforward manner.

C: 5/5 The points presented in the text follow a clear formatted with an explicit introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The flow between the two body paragraphs is smooth and clear. It is clear where one section begins and another finishes. The one issue with this organization is that at times the transitions can be uncomfortable or unclear.

D: 4/5 At times the language used is repetitive and unclear, and sometimes even colloquial, but presentation and commentary are effective and appropriate. The candidate presents their points in a manner that allows for a grader to see that they are aware of the points they are making and have a clear goal in mind, but are not always clear in the language used.


  1. Listening to you talk is actually really calming, especially with the rain (that was rain right?) :). Now for my comments: I think you did a great job. I would give you the same score you did. Here are a few suggestions for improvement. You gave a lot of effective examples about foreshadowing and how everything is meant to come to an end in the oppressive society. However, I think it would be nice if you added something to talk about what Offred was actually foreshadowing such the change in her relationship with the Commander, etc. I think this would show that you know more about the text as a whole. Also, the mini plot summary at the beginning was nice, but it went into a little too much detail like analysing Offred's name. I think that takes away from your thesis. Those are good points though which you could have incorporated in the body of your talk instead. Also, I don't think I did this myself but I listened to Kaitlyn's and she did a good job incorporating historical context. Maybe work on doing this too. Finally, I think you should make your conclusion a little more clear. It kind of just went from you taking about tensions into the end. So use a word like "in conclusion" or "overall". Overall (haha, this is my conclusion :)), I think your analysis was really detailed and I liked your approach of splitting it into two themes of foreshadowing and tensions. Great job!!

  2. Hey!

    A: 7
    B: 7
    C: 4
    D: 4

    Nice job- I know you're going to rock out the IOC. Keerti gives you some great feedback above; I also think some consideration to organization and context would benefit you, but I do not have concerns. The simplified but thorough prep you do helps you considerably. Make sure you keep linking back to Atwood's purpose for the passage; this was missing at some points.


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