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Showing posts from March, 2018

American Dream? I'm just trying to graduate...

Image source One would have thought that in roughly 100 years of history, the "American Dream" would have drastically changed. Surely, we have different ideas as a nation of what the ultimate goal for our lives should be, right? On the surface, we really have not changed much at all. If you watch television at all, you will see that many of the car commercials and vacation advertisements will show a nice nuclear family in their nice car living a nice middle-class lifestyle. Rarely do you see advertisements involving people of the extremely poor or extremely rich, with the exception of celebrity appearances for the sake of ethos. Even in commercials for luxury items, the advertisement is normally geared towards giving one the appearance of wealth, but without possessing actual wealth. This is the American Dream of today and of the 1920s, to appear as though you have wealth, and to live a wealthy lifestyle, without necessarily having to be wealthy. The ultimate...

IOC... Easy as 123?

My IOC Preparation for the Practice IOC: Self Scoring: A: 8/10 The awareness of the text was supported by the initial summary of the story, as well as by further explanation of terms and characters in the text. Could have further explained foreshadowing in terms of the novel, in order to show that the suggested foreshadowing would prove to be accurate later in the text. The commentary does make good reference to the passage given, and the introduction of quotations and the links made between them is accurate to the text. Reference to the Aunts and their purpose is also effective, if somewhat brief in its use. B: 7/10 Not all literary terms are explicitly stated, but rather are implied through the suggestion of "speculative diction" and tone. While specific words are stated and described, they could be further stated in terms of specific literary devices incorporated into the text. The literary devices that were analyzed, such as diction and tone set by the author,...